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1 – Linguistic Landscapes are talking

2 – What LoCALL is all about?


Guidelines for the introduction of linguistic landscapes in (foreign) language learning and teacher education

In this document, we introduce you to the potential and practicalities of using linguistic landscapes (LLs) in education and provide suggestions for integrating LLs in educational settings and in teacher education programmes. (short version)

Propositions pour l’introduction des paysages linguistiques dans l’apprentissage des langues (étrangères) et la formation des enseignants

Dans ce document, nous vous présentons le potentiel et les aspects pratiques de l’utilisation des paysages linguistiques (LL) dans l’éducation et nous vous proposons des suggestions pour intégrer les PL dans les contextes éducatifs et dans les programmes de formation des enseignants. (version abrégée)

Richtlijnen voor de introductie van taallandschappen bij het leren van (vreemde) talen en in de lerarenopleidingen  

In dit document laten wij u kennis maken met de praktische mogelijkheden van het gebruik van taallandschappen in het onderwijs. Daarnaast bieden wij suggesties voor het implementeren van taallandschappen (hierna ook LL’s, naar Linguistic Landscapes) in uw onderwijs en in docentopleidingen. (korte versie)

Richtlinien für die Integration von Linguistic Landscapes in den (Fremd-) Sprachenunterricht und die Lehrkräfteausbildung

In diesem Dokument sollen das Potenzial und die praktischen Möglichkeiten der Nutzung von Linguistic Landscapes (LL) in der Bildung erläutert werden. Des Weiteren sollen konkrete Vorschläge für das Einbeziehen von LL in verschiedenen Bildungsumgebungen und in Programmen der Lehrkräfteaus- und fortbildung angeboten werden. (Kurzversion)

Guía para la introducción de paisajes lingüísticos en el aprendizaje de lenguas (extranjeras) y en la formación del profesorado

En este documento, le presentamos el potencial y los aspectos prácticos del uso de los paisajes lingüísticos (PL) en la educación y le ofrecemos sugerencias para integrar los PL en los entornos educativos y en los programas de formación de profesores. (versión corta)

Orientações para a integração de paisagens linguísticas na aprendizagem de línguas (estrangeiras) e na formação de professor

Neste documento, expomos o potencial e os aspetos práticos da utilização de “paisagens linguísticas”(PLs) na educação e apresentamos sugestões para a sua integração em contextos educativos e em programas de formação de professores. (versão curta)


Episode 1 – A young teacher talks about her first LL experience

Laura Capdevila describes her first experiences with linguistic landscapes in the school context (download the transcript).

Episode 3 – What can we learn from LL activities? Pupils’ voices

Mònica López gives her students place to remember and reflect on what can be done and learnt with LL, even at home 🙂

Episode 5 – LL im Unterricht: Wirkung auf die Lernenden und Umsetzung in Pandemiezeiten

Julia von Rosen spricht über das Material “Jungle of Languages” und reflektiert über die Wirkung von LL auf die Lernenden und die Umsetzung in Pandemiezeiten

Episode 7 – Paisatges lingüístics escolars: reflexions de mestres en formació

Mestres en formació aporten reflexions sobre una activitat creativa feta a classe en la qual van repensar i recrear aspectes del paisatge lingüístic de les seves escoles de pràctiques (Authors: Irene Calderer, Júlia Llompart & Emilee Moore)

Episode 9 – Mi PL = tu PL? Experencias de un maestro en la escuela primaria

Francisco Cordero und Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer sprechen über Linguistic landscapes in der Grundschule.

Episode 11 – The best about the LL is that…

Melinda Dooly interviews the participants on the training week from Barcelona what the best about the LL is. (download the transcript)

Episode 13 – Sport plurilingue

Témoignage de Danièle Pion, enseignante d’Education physique et sportive (EPS) au Collège Henri Meck de Molsheim, France.

Episode 15 – EP15 – Paseo fotográfico por el paisaje lingüístico con niños y familias

Ana Almenar, fotógrafa uruguaya, habla de su experiencia explorando paisajes lingüísticos con niños y familias (entrevistada por Raquel Carinhas; transcription and translation into Portuguese).

Episode 2 – Mònica López and her pupils recall their work on LL in primary school

Mònica López and her students from a 6th grade in Barcelona remember the classroom activities on LL during the pandemic.

Episode 4 – A PL na prática pedagógica: vozes de duas professoras em formação

Entrevista às estudantes de Aveiro, Maria Beatriz e Rosalba, sobre as suas experiências com PL durante o estágio pedagógico

Episode 6 – Highlights und Herausforderungen in der Umsetzung von LL im Französischunterric

Ruth Flörkemeier spricht über das Material “Jungle of Languages” mit Blick auf Highlights und Herausforderungen in der Umsetzung

Episode 8 – Linguistic Landscapes im Französischunterricht inklusiv gedacht

Hassana Seybou und Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer sprechen über multimodale Sprachen.

Episode 10 – Le potentiel des PL en cours

Une conversation en langues romanes sur les avantages et les éventuelles contraintes de l’utilisation de la PL comme ressource en classe.

Episode 12 – Street View je taal: leerlingen zoeken online naar taallandschap

Leerlingen uit de brugklas en hun docent delen ervaringen over het werken met de module “Street View je taal”

Episode 14 – Témoignage des élèves du Collège Henri Meck de Molsheim, France

« En tant qu’élève, quel intérêt de participer à un projet sur les paysages linguistiques ? »

Episode 16 – A paisagem linguística na formação de professores

Ana Isabel Andrade e Filomena Martins partilham a sua experiência na integração da paisagem linguística em cursos de formação de professores na Universidade de Aveiro (transcrição em Português).


LoCALL activity. Taaldetektive. Dutch
LoCALL activity. Poems. Dutch
LoCALL activity. Memes. Dutch
LoCALL activity. Jungle van talen. Dutch
LoCALL activity. Talen van overall. Dutch
LoCALL activity. Streetview je taal. Dutch
LoCALL activity. De diversiteit van talen. Dutch
LoCALL activity. Graffiti muur. Dutch


LoCALL activity._Histoire migratoire familiale. Français
LoCALL activity._Création d’une carte pop-up de PL. Français
LoCALL activity. Une jungle de langues. Français
LoCALL activity. Enquête sur les langues dans toute l’école. Français
LoCALL activity. Poèmes. Français
LoCALL activity. Detective linguistique. Français
LoCALL activity. Votre langue avec « Street view ». Français
LoCALL activity. Qu’est-ce qui peut être changé dans votre ville ?. Français


LoCALL activity. Sprache und Gesellschaft. Deutsch
LoCALL activity. Sprachdschungel. Deutsch
LoCALL activity. Sprachlandschaften erforschen mit Grundschülern im Englischunterricht. Deutsch
LoCALL activity. Sensorische Landkarten. Deutsch
LoCALL activity. Sprachlandschaften kennenlernen. Deutsch
LoCALL activity. Sprachdetektive. Deutsch
LoCALL activity. Graffiti Wand. Deutsch
LOCALL actvity. Les autocollants dans notre environnement. Deutsch
LoCALL activity. LL und multimodale Sprachen im Französischunterricht (4 Unterrichtsstunden). Deutsch


LoCALL activity. Mapas sensoriales. Español
LoCALL activity._Nube de palabras. Español
LoCALL activity._Paisaje Lingüístico de nuestra ciudad. Español
LoCALL activity. Paisaje Lingüístico en casa. Español
LoCALL activity. Por qué aprendemos idiomas y por qué aprendemos inglés en el colegio. Español
LoCALL activity. Espejito, espejito… ¿En qué idiomas habito?. Español
LoCALL acitivity. Una tienda multilingüe. Español


LoCALL activity. Language detective. English
LoCALL activity. Jungle of Languages. English
LoCALL activity. Languages and Society. English
LoCALL activity Poems. English
LoCALL activity. Memes. English
LoCALL activity. Languages from everywhere. English
LoCALL activity. Why do we learn languages and English?. English
LoCALL activity. What would you change in your city? English
LoCALL activity. Street View your language. English
LoCALL activity. Whole school survey. English
LoCALL activity. Our languages, our cultures, our future. English


LoCALL activity. Taaldetektive. Frysk
LoCALL activity. Poems. Frysk
LoCALL activity. Memes. Frysk
LoCALL activity. Talen fan oeral. Frysk
LoCALLactivity. Jungle fan talen. Frysk
LoCALL activity. Streetview dyn taal. Frysk
LoCALL activity. It ferksaat fan talen. Frysk
LoCALL activity. Graffiti muorre. Frysk


LoCALL activity. Explorar a PL na aula de ingles. Português
LoCALL activity. Mapas sensoriais. Português
LoCALL activity. As línguas de toda a parte. Português
LoCALL actvity. Detetive de línguas. Português
LoCALL activity. O que mudarias na tua cidade. Português
LoCALL activity. História migratória familiar. Português
LoCALL activity. Os autocolantes no meio envolvente. Português
LoCALL activity. PL e línguas multimodais. Português
LoCALL activity. As nossas línguas, as nossas culturas, o nosso futuro. Português
LoCALL activity. Espelho meu espelho meu. Português
LoCALL activity. Vamos abrir uma loja multilingue. Português


1 – The value of focusing in other languages, by Klaudia Kruszynska


3 – Searching for multimodal languages in your surroundings, by Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer

(transcript and German translation)

5 – The curriculum is already so full: How can I integrate LL into my lessons?

(transcript and French and German translations)

7- Le paysage linguistique renvoie aux personnes, par S. Cadi

9 – Et pourquoi pas une séance de sport plurilingue ?, par D. Pion

11 – Como ajudar os alunos a ler (o mundo) através da paisagem linguística?, por M. B. Santos

2 – Getting students to be more aware of the LL around them, by Mónica L. Vera


4 -Bringing language walks into the classroom, by Lisa Marie Brinkmann

(transcript and German translation)

6- Taaldetektive: it brûken fan de module

(transcript and English and Dutch translations)

8 – Pourquoi s’investir dans un projet sur les paysages linguistiques en tant qu’enseignant ? par N. Luttringer

10 – Como consciencializar estudantes surdos sobre a Diversidade Linguística e Cultural através da PL?, por M. C. Lúgaro


1 – LoCAL App – Accessing and registering

In this video, we will show you how to create a game in the interface of the platform, to explore the linguistic landscape of a city or of multiple cities. If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to

3. Dowload the App from Google Play

2 – LocALL App – Creating a game

In this video, we will show you how to create a game for the LoCALL App. If you have any questions or comments to share with us, please send an email to

4. Download the App from App Store

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.